Our Journey to Rebrand

Read about our journey and why we have decided to give ourselves a rebrand.

February 5, 2025

As BST El Paso approaches its tenth anniversary, we look back at the journey we have taken to get here. The Beatles song, "Long and Winding Road" captures that emotion we feel as we reflect on our journey. We are thankful to all the people who have worked with us and considered us for their technology needs. We are delighted to be here, bigger and better than before, and are ready to move forward to tend to the technology challenges of the time.

BST El Paso (aka BST), a technology company with an accidental name (will explain), was founded in July 2011 with the express intent of providing “effective technology solutions” to many businesses of the border—for-profit and nonprofit. Compared to other parts of Texas and the nation, the border region has been behind in technology adoption and usage, and BST wanted to be part of that process. BST initially only served the local market with technology services such as websites, networks, databases, etc. In those early days, a substantial part of the time was spent on educating the business community on how to harness the power of technology.

While serving its local client base, BST continued to augment its technology skills and began producing custom applications for various industries. As well as shaping custom e-commerce solutions, BST’s value proposition became the ability to solve a client's business problem through technology. By 2015, BST had begun to serve clients located in other parts of the US. Initially, we expanded to other parts of Texas and Boston. Later, we acquired clients in New Mexico, Colorado, and California. Even during the pandemic, we were able to work remotely – something we have been doing for several years -- with our clients and grow our business. We even had the opportunity to partner with national brands such as Webex and Zoom.

The company that started with one employee now has a dozen employees, contractors, partners, and collaborators. Bright Sol Tech is all about interconnecting with people, companies, and organizations. We continue to serve the local businesses that have entrusted their business to us with the addition of clients regionally and nationally.

Post-pandemic, we have decided to rebrand to emphasize our geography-neutral business entity. BST El Paso (bstelpaso.com) is now Bright Sol Tech (brightsoltech.com), a domain name that describes us better as we grow forward. 

As mentioned, BST El Paso (aka BST) was named because the abbreviation matched a technology consulting business that founder Amit Ghosh started while at UTEP – BorderSenses Technology (BST for short). His affiliation with BorderSenses, a literary arts organization, led him in that direction. We are certain that Bright Sol Tech will flourish in the world of creativity and technology in the days ahead. Please join us in this journey!

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